How to Break Through Test Score “Plateau”: Strategies to Improve on SAT and ACT
Feel like your test scores are hitting a "score plateau?" Elizabeth talks through some strategies to help!

The Best Extracurricular Activities for High School Students Interested in Pre-Med
As a high school student aspiring to pursue a pre-med track in college, it’s essential to think beyond just your grades and test scores....

The SK Way
In the ever-increasingly competitive realm of college admissions, Success Koach has a tried and true recipe for your child’s long-term...

Tosca’s Tips for Exploration in High School
Discovering New Paths: The Art of Embracing Exploration Life is a journey filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and uncover new...

The Final 24 Hours Before Taking a Standardized Test
The 24 hours leading up to your standardized test are crucial in optimizing your performance. Whether you are taking the SAT or ACT,...

Tosca’s "Trinket Box Approach" to Life as a High Schooler
Crows are my favorite animals for a reason. They’re widely regarded as highly intelligent and are known for collecting small, shiny...

How to spike the college App!
Your application should clearly communicate your “spike.” A spike, hook, etc. is a set of activities and accomplishments that show...

Freshmen year could decide where you ultimately land up...
During ninth grade it's important adjust to the new work load and learn how to deal with the social stress that often accompanies high...

Navigating the Transition from Freshman to Sophomore Year
Transitioning from freshman to sophomore year can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may have gotten a feel for high school during...

Preparing for the College Application Process
The Importance of Preparing for College in High School Understanding how to prepare for college in high school is essential for a smooth...